ndau Staking
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Earning staking income is easy with ndau. Simply holding ndau in the ndau wallet app allows for the earning of extra ndau through Ecosystem Alignment Incentives (EAI) and an additional bonus for locking ndau over a specified period of time. For example, you could be earning +15% ndau on a 1-year locked account in your wallet.
Long-Term Holding
The first 10 million ndau (the initial phase of 30 million total reserve), are issued at a price that increases by 0.0971% with every new 1,000 units. One of ndau’s monetary policy tools is Ecosystem Alignment Incentives (EAI) to help promote stability. The longer ndau is held, the larger the incentive. Current ecosystem incentives are as follows (annualized):

Where to stake
Read our walkthrough on how to install the ndau wallet app, receive ndau, and then lock your ndau to start earning staking income.