It began with some of the top computer scientists and financial experts in the world

The Big Idea
In 2015, an anonymous group of early bitcoin enthusiasts and experts from world-class institutions including MIT, Columbia University, Carnegie Mellon, New York University, University of Chicago, and Goldman Sachs who specialize in fields including economics, monetary policy, cryptography, and computer science came together to discuss the largest barriers to mainstream crypto adoption for long term holding. This group later became the ndau Collective. The ndau Collective identified 23 different issues with cryptocurrencies today, and highlighted three key issues that needed a solution: volatility, dependability, and governance. The ndau collective believed these were the three largest barriers to using crypto as a long term store of value for both institutions and individuals.

Creation of ndau
The Axiom Foundation was subsequently established as the creator of ndau and contracted Oneiro to build the software envisioned by the ndau Collective. Using venture capital funding provided by COSIMO Ventures, Oneiro has been developing the native blockchain and tools that are necessary for ndau’s decentralized ecosystem, with a seasoned leadership team and ambitious roadmap that continues to be guided in-part by the ndau Collective. Nearly $17M of ndau was sold to accredited investors based on the merits and principles of the project, prior to the launch of ndau on its first exchange. ndau did not pursue an ICO or IEO.

Development Milestones
- Official wallet app update.
- Updated blockchain explorer with advanced search capabilities and visualizations.
- Additional exchange listings and partnerships.
- Open Source bounty program based on community-driven feature development.
- KuCoin: ndau is listed on KuCoin exchange.
- Nomics: ndau is added to Nomics’ index.
- Liquid: ndau is listed on Liquid exchange.
- BittrexGlobal: ndau is listed on BittrexGlobal exchange.
- Validator Nodes: Updates to Validator Node code to include more support for 3rd party node operators.
- Ecosystem Development: BPC Policy Proposal #01 implemented to provide additional ndau for ecosystem development growth.
- SIB and Market Price Calculations Refined: BPC Policy Proposal #02 implemented to adjust SIB fees and Market Price Calculation
- Network Infrastructure: ndau’s core network infrastructure is upgraded to improve High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HA & DR).
- CoinMarketCap: ndau is added to CoinMarketCap’s index.
- Vinex: ndau is listed on Vinex exchange.
- MainNet: ndau’s MainNet goes live (Genesis).
- Wallet App v2.0: Version 2.0 of the ndau wallet app is released for both iOS and Android.
- BitMart: ndau is listed on BitMart exchange.
- BPC Delegate Election: Inaugural Blockchain Policy Council (BPC) delegate election is completed.
- CoinGecko: ndau is added to CoinGecko’s index.
- Wallet App: Version 1.0 of the ndau wallet app is released for both iOS and Android.
- Security Audit: Security audit completed by Trail of Bits.
- TestNet: ndau’s TestNet goes live.
- MainNet Beta: ndau’s MainNet Beta goes live.
- Core Technology Developed: Built ndau’s blockchain technology stack on the Tendermint PoS consensus engine.