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Recovery phrase

A 12-word (could be more words in the future) phrase that can be used to reconstruct the keypairs and addresses...
  • -5
  • 1503

RegisterNode – transaction type

In order to become a validator node and be eligible to receive node rewards, a node must file a RegisterNode transaction, which also...
  • 0
  • 2299

ReleaseFromEndowment – transaction type

When the ndau Endowment releases new ndau to the ndau reserve for future distribution, this transaction is used to do that. However, an Issue transaction...
  • 0
  • 1201

Reserve ndau

ndau that has never been publicly traded and that does not hold any market value until it is sold on...
  • 1
  • 1525

node quality score

A measure of the quality of an active node’s performance in support of the ndau network. It is based on a node’s...
  • 1
  • 1825
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