NFT Forge – Step 1: Set up your BEASY Wallet

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  4. NFT Forge – Step 1: Set up your BEASY Wallet

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NFT Forge – Step 1: Set up your BEASY Wallet

To use the ndau NFT Forge, you first need to set up a special web-based wallet called the BEASY Wallet.

The BEASY Wallet will enable you to log on to the ndau NFT Forge, view all your created NFTs, and optionally connect with other people who are also using the ndau NFT Forge.

Go to and click on the Create Account button.

Choose a username, agree to the Terms of Service and Privay Policy, and click the Sign Up button. Your username will be how you are publicly identified in the ndau NFT Forge community and cannot be changed, so be sure to pick a name you like.

IMPORTANT: If you lose your mnemonic phrase, you will not be able to recover your account.

Check the box indicating you understand this fact and then click the Continue button.

Click on the copy icon to copy your mnemonic phrase to your clipboard (blurred out for security in this screenshot). Paste these words into a secure document and save them somewhere safe.  Never share them with anyone else!

Check the box indicating you understand you must never lose your mnemonic phrase and then click the Continue button.

Tap on the words (blurred out for security in this screenshot) in the correct order to confirm you saved them and then click the Continue button.

Choose a 4 digit passcode.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully set up your BEASY wallet!

By default you’ll see the BEASY wallet NFT screen. Don’t worry about not having any MATIC to use to mint your NFTs. We’ll take care of that in the next step!

[ Proceed to Step 2: Buy some MATIC and deposit it into your BEASY Wallet ]

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