What are the Promo Code Rewards for the ndau Affiliate program?

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  4. What are the Promo Code Rewards for the ndau Affiliate program?

When you participate in the ndau Affiliate program as a Customer, you will receive additional ndau as a reward when you purchase ndau on an exchange and withdraw and lock it in your ndau wallet app.  These rewards are called Promo Code Rewards.

Promo Code Rewards are based on the amount of ndau that you lock in your ndau wallet app and are sent to you as new ndau that is locked for 1 year.

  • Lock your ndau for 3 months – Receive a reward of 10% additional ndau
  • Lock your ndau for 6 months – Receive a reward of 15% additional ndau
  • Lock your ndau for 1 year – Receive a reward of 20% additional ndau
  • Lock your ndau for 2 years – Receive reward of 25% additional ndau
  • Lock your ndau for 3  years – Receive a reward of 30% additional ndau

And remember, your locked ndau is continuously compounding and automatically earning you even more ndau thanks to ndau’s EAI feature.



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